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Restoration Homes

Restoration homes provide a place for children and teens who are acting out and are in need of specialized help.  These homes care for troubled children and teens with many issues and backgrounds including drugs, alcohol, sexual issues, runaways, failing in school, violence, and disrespect.  Scroll through the list below to see the FACCCA members with these type of homes and what each home specializes in.

Restoration homes are residential child-caring agencies as defined by Florida Statute 409.176 and 409.175. 

Restoration Home Members

Gateway Academy

Boys, ages 11-17

A military-like residential program designed specifically for boys in crisis with out-of-control behaviors that focussed on teaching accountability and self-discipline.

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Gator Wilderness Camp

Boys, ages 10-15

A year-round camping experience for boys who are significantly struggling with a myriad of family and school issues.

Heart to Heart International

Boys and Girls, ages 10-17


Helping children who have experienced early life trauma that resulted in foster care placement. A main focus is foreign adoptions, helping families transition their child into the new family when they cannot function appropriately in the home.


House of Timothy

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Boys, ages 13-17

A regeneration program for teen boys living in adversity. House of Timothy makes it possible for residents to work on their goals, complete their education, find or keep a job, and grow closer to Christ Jesus.

Lighthouse Children's Home

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Girls, ages 13-16

Provides a loving and structured Christian residential home for teen girls who are at risk, have discipline and behavioral issues, and/or problems in their home or in school.

My Father's Arrows

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Boys and Girls, ages 0-18

Cares for children who are high-risk, hard to place, sibling groups, and/or have physical or mental difficulties.

Providence Pass LLC

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Girls, 12-17

Provides help for girls who are struggling with emotional, psychological, behavioral, educational, and relational issues.

Safe Harbor Boys Home

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Boys, ages 15-17

Provides a maritime-based, structured, educational alternative for boys in minor trouble with the law or who are exhibiting bad behavior with around-the-clock mentoring and counseling.

Treasure Coast Academy

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Boys, ages 12-17

A residential program designed for at-risk boys that have life-controlling issues and behaviors that have created chaos within the family.

FACCCA, Copyright 2024

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